Seedling Design's Tree Pod: A Fusion of Nature and Innovation

Primitive Shapes Meet Modern Design in this Award-Winning Pendant Light

Seedling Design's Tree Pod, an innovative pendant light, is a testament to the beauty of natural prime materials and the ingenuity of human craftsmanship. Inspired by the primitive shapes of the Baobab pods and the craft skills of rural tribes, the Tree Pod bridges the gap between nature and contemporary design, offering a sustainable solution to the environmental issues inherent in mass production.

The uniqueness of the Tree Pod lies in its blend of functional and aesthetic values. The slight imperfections inherent in any material harvested from nature are not seen as flaws but are celebrated and transformed in a unique way. The Tree Pod combines the organic shapes of the Baobab pods with handcrafted wood pieces and a minimal amount of industrialized components, creating a balance between the primitive and the modern.

The production process of the Tree Pod is rooted in simple handmade techniques. The Baobab pods are harvested, cleaned, and cut to shape by local community workers, then further refined and assembled in Seedling Design's workshop. The fruit pulp, fiber, and seeds are also upcycled and processed, adhering to the company's zero waste policy.

The Tree Pod is a flexible lighting solution that can be used as a single unit or combined to create chandeliers for home or commercial areas. Each lampshade weighs a minimal 200 grams, with an average size of 30 by 15 cm. The light source can vary according to local standards.

The design project began in May 2015 in Kenya, with a three-month research period. After another three months of experiments with materials and structural shapes, the first prototype was produced in July 2016. The Tree Pod has been exhibited in the Afrika Handmade Gallery 2016 held at the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi.

One of the most challenging stages of the design process was integrating a naturally and randomly shaped object with mass-produced standard electrical fittings. The Tree Pod is still evolving to integrate more hi-tech and sophisticated components. This design is a materialization of Seedling Design's philosophy that envisions humans and nature living alongside in a technological world.

The Tree Pod was awarded Silver in A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award in 2017. Seedling Design's Roberto Gerosa and Fabiana Alcojor have created a design that is not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly and sustainable. The Tree Pod is a testament to the power of design to bridge the gap between nature and technology, the primitive and the modern.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Roberto and Fabiana
Image Credits: All photos by Seedling Design
Project Team Members: Roberto Gerosa and Fabiana Alcojor
Project Name: Tree Pod
Project Client: Roberto and Fabiana

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Tree Pod  IMG #5

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